Sunday, February 9, 2014

Show Up On Time

I just listened to my sister talk about an employee bailing on work because she didn't feel well due to the fact she had been nightclubbing the prior night. Like any boss, she did not find that to be a valid excuse to call out from work. Everyone has been late at some point be it for work, class, church, etc. It happens, but it shouldn't be consistent. Even if the job is something you find insignificant. I do not aspire to work in retail my entire life, but that is the job I have right now until I hopefully can find another to do with it before going to graduate school. Having said that, showing up on time is hardly an issue. I live in Northern Virginia, where the traffic is ridiculous being so close to D.C. From my house I can get to the mall where I work in about fifteen minutes without traffic, but with traffic it can take an hour. I like to arrive early anyhow, so I try to leave a good forty minutes before my shift depending on what time I'm starting.

During school, I worked out a decent routine with classes. When I commuted to community college being on time was not always an issue, but there was a good phase where I didn't care, and I would show up late/not at all (and my grades those semesters reflected that). For whatever reason, when I got to Longwood my head was screwed back on and I figured it out. If my class started at 4:00PM, I knew to try and leave 10-15 minutes prior to class starting. I'm not going to act like I didn't stroll in a few minutes late sometimes, or right when the professor walks in particularly during morning classes. I'm not a morning person at all, and I think it would be super if waking up early was waking up at eleven, but alas, that is not the case. Some mornings it take the jaws of life, a RedBull, and a cup of coffee to get me out of bed. But I suck it up.

Being on time not always shows you are mature and have some integrity, but it also shows respect for your class or your boss. Just think about it; this person's job is to show up at a particular time to teach YOU about something that will help YOU graduate. YOU (or your parents) are paying for you to be in that class, and god knows you probably spent $100.00 minimum for the course's text(s). Do you really want to lose that money? My university is small, and once you get passed the core curriculum classes, and into specific classes for your major, there are classes that are only offered with one or two professors. How awkward would that be?

To me, not only the fact that my professors consider your attendance apart of your grade at my university, but it's also just a little awkward to be late! I always feel like a huge jerk showing up late for something. Be it work or school, being on time says that you have integrity and care. And if your bosses and professors know you care, then you have one more person in your corner to give you a recommendation or a reference. Also, if you DO have an off day where you're late or can't come in for work, they will more likely to have sympathy and cut you some slack. However, if you're late on a daily basis, your car breaks down all the time, grandma's having her 5th funeral, and you forget to set your alarm everyday...mercy will probably not be had. Stop making excuses and be there!

Naturally, there are exceptions, but generally, just show up on time!

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