Monday, February 3, 2014

Introduction: Trying this again!

They say the third time's the's not my way to go with the majority, but here we go again.

If you've found your way here because you know me: hello and thank you. If you have utterly no idea who I am, yet somehow through the madness that is the internet, you've stumbled upon my blog: Hello. My name is Amanda, and welcome to the blog. I've kept personal online journals ever since I was eighteen or so, and I never shared them for one reason or another. Quite ridiculous considering how insightful and hilarious I am.

 I actually had one that I did keep, and I thought, "this will be the one I share with the world where I say delightful and smart things." Wrong, Wrong-y wrong. It wound up being a dark little corner where I could write about things bothering me at 3:00AM, and unleash my neurosis. It sounds glamorous and intriguing, I know. Trust me, it's not. I'm obviously not opposed to sharing things about myself with people, but some of those thoughts and posts were sad, and the problems I was dealing with at the time screamed off the screen. I'm not against talking about my problems (baby steps) but there are thoughts on there I simply do not want to share. Therefore, that blog has been kept private, for me and only me. And there are no exceptions.

Here I am now though. I recently finished my Bachelor's Degree in English at the wondrous Longwood University. That isn't sarcasm. I adore my alma mater for so many reasons that an independent post will follow to elaborate. I plan to return this fall to get my Master's in Literature so that I can, hopefully, teach college. I'd love to go on and be a PhD very much, but one step at a has this way of not really giving a damn about your plans, ya know? And I'm sure a certain number of you will see this and think, "oh god, she's not going to get a job ever." I'll address that here too. I am currently not employed full-time because the job market sucks, and you cannot write "charming and adorable" as personal skills on a resume. I personally think this is a tragedy considering how manners and common sense are on the Endangered list.

Don't worry, this won't be boring. I won't sit here and talk about nothing but university stuff and getting a job (I mean, I find it interesting). What you will probably find are my own personal musings about the process of employment, life, working retail, music, clothes, things that annoy me, things I love, college musings, movies, and books (expect books). Not my books as I have not written one. I do have maybe two or three bouncing around in my head (or sitting in a Word document) but they aren't seeing the light of day yet. I'll write about books I've read, recommend some, and I promise to warn you if I give spoilers. As recent college grad, I think I'm in a situation that resonates with a lot of people. I've been job hunting for two months, I have a degree in something I love that gets a lot of criticism unless you want to teach high school, and I'm living back at home with my parents after being away for two can bet your bottom dollar I've got things to say.

So with that I hope you stick around, and maybe join me in the blogging? Make your own, share the things jangling around in your head all day! And if it's good enough, in a few months you could get paid if you've got a decent following! This is what I'm hoping for...because loans. So, if you like my posts, keep visiting, share with friends, whatever.

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