Monday, March 10, 2014

Gym Bullies

I have been seeing a lot of posts, commercials, etc. about people feeling uncomfortable at the gym because of people being rude to them or because they are intimidated with all of the hard-bodied, spandex-clad gym patrons about.

We get it, lady.
They are beautiful, in great shape, and barely even look like they've been running for six miles on the treadmill. I don't get these majestic people who go to the gym and look more like an ad, as if they are just modeling gym attire and equipment. Personally, when I run, I look like I've been dying from cholera when I'm done.
I'm not going to lie about my personal disdain for the gym. Well, maybe disdain is too strong of a word. I would rather exercise at home. I like the privacy and lack of inhibition of going down to the basement of my parent's house and working out. I can take my time, and I don't need to worry about rushing because someone is waiting for me to hop off, or like I'm being judged. I just want to run on the treadmill, leave me be. And I rarely wear spandex. More often than not I run in the sweatpants and t-shirt I slept in the night before. The biggest plus, for me, in going to the gym is that I'm in and out. I'm much less likely to stop while I'm running/walking on the treadmill; I go for an hour, hop off, lift some weights, and get the hell out. I went to the gym at school because it's free. One of my reasons in not going is, frankly, I don't want to pay to use a treadmill at a gym when I've got one in my damn house that I may use whenever I want! It's almost midnight right now, and if I wanted to go down and run in my PJS I could do so within two seconds. I could do this now, at 3AM, 10AM, etc. Anytime is gym time, and I don't need to worry about the rush hours in which everyone and their mother is trying to find an elliptical.
Having said that, I get feeling self-conscious at the gym. I have certainly felt insecure at the gym because I'm not a hard body, and my stomach is puffy. I also do not have defined calf muscles, and my hips and thighs do not lie (although I think hips are awesome). Then there's the self consciousness about what I wear to the gym, and being in public without makeup. Yeah, I am a person who feels uncomfortable in public without makeup. However, there's now stigma about having makeup on your face at the gym. In fairness, there really isn't a point in putting a face of makeup on when you're going to sweat it off. Having said that, I will at least put some heavy duty spot foundation on my zits and acne scars.
It's a bit sad how exercising at the gym has become a judgmental activity. Be it because someone has makeup on, nice hair, or even a body void of a six pack. It's sad how mean people can be. Maybe we'd all be in better shape if worry about what other people do at the gym wasn't such a thing.
Let's just clear this up, gym bullies: the people you see that aren't perfectly muscular will never get in shape if they don't work out! Instead of calling them fat, encourage them for being proactive. We should be happy for people trying to better themselves and get healthier considering how many people die because of health-related complications obesity or sedentary lifestyles can provoke. Also, not everyone who goes to the gym who looks perfect started off that way. We all have to start somewhere.

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